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Cheapest Homes Near Deadwood, OR

House Median Value Rank of City within 50 miles of Deadwood, OR

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 40 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankHouse Median Value ▲City / Population
1.$111,900Yoncalla, OR / 992
2.$123,800Alpine, OR / 280
3.$125,000Alsea, OR / 208
4.$131,500Drain, OR / 1,035
5.$137,500Monroe, OR / 595
6.$145,900Lebanon, OR / 15,072
7.$148,400Halsey, OR / 911
8.$158,400Siletz, OR / 1,205
9.$161,300Lakeside, OR / 1,492
10.$162,500Bellfountain, OR / 40
11.$164,700South Lebanon, OR / 963
12.$165,600Sodaville, OR / 435
13.$168,300Tangent, OR / 1,091
14.$171,500Cottage Grove, OR / 9,493
15.$174,400Harrisburg, OR / 3,419
16.$175,400Reedsport, OR / 4,223
17.$176,200Brownsville, OR / 1,789
18.$177,700Springfield, OR / 58,409
19.$179,600Albany, OR / 48,560
20.$185,400Philomath, OR / 4,518
21.$188,900Toledo, OR / 3,457
22.$190,600Waldport, OR / 1,884
23.$191,300Gardiner, OR / 72
24.$195,300Junction City, OR / 5,358
25.$200,400Veneta, OR / 4,222
26.$204,600Creswell, OR / 4,777
27.$213,000Adair Village, OR / 901
28.$213,600Shedd, OR / 487
29.$220,000Florence, OR / 8,264
30.$242,100Winchester Bay, OR / 112
31.$245,500Eugene, OR / 153,288
32.$246,800Millersburg, OR / 1,323
33.$247,800Corvallis, OR / 53,435
34.$270,300Coburg, OR / 884
35.$271,600Newport, OR / 9,941
36.$280,800Depoe Bay, OR / 1,086
37.$284,800Crawfordsville, OR / 220
38.$320,000Elkton, OR / 184
39.$320,300Yachats, OR / 622
40.$396,300Dunes City, OR / 1,501

Please note that we only rank locations with 'House Median Value' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'House Median Value' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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